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LifeGroups are a place where people can
belong, grow, and invite others to encounter Jesus together.


Why LifeGroups?

The irony of the social media environment we live in is that it's easy to feel isolated; however, it doesn’t have to be this way! Jesus never intended for us to live our lives with Him alone—in fact, the New Testament shows that the Christian life can't be lived in isolation. That’s why we have LifeGroups!

LifeGroups are small gatherings of people who meet weekly to live life and grow in their relationship with Jesus together. These groups nurture our relationships with God and each other, transitioning us from large Sunday gatherings into close-knit circles of friends in homes. A typical meeting might include sharing a meal, exchanging stories, discussing the Bible/sermon from our Sunday gathering, and praying for one another.


How to Join a Group

Joining a group is simple! Many of our LifeGroups meet on Sundays in the afternoon/evening and we have a few that meet during the week as well. Click here to see a list of groups and contact the leader to ask about meeting time and location. Because of the organic nature of our groups, some will meet in different locations and times each week; so we recommend getting in touch with the leader before showing up.